High Springs Youth

High Springs Youth

Welcome to student ministry at First UMC High Springs. We serve students 6th-12th grade by offering a weekly time to meet together, time of games and fellowship, and annual trips within our community. It is a place where students can connect, love, serve and grow together.

High Springs Youth Sundays
Join us each Sunday evening from 5pm-7pm in the fellowship hall. Students will have a time of snacks, games, and a lesson on various topics from the Bible.

Sunday Mornings
Each Sunday morning, join us for a time of in depth Bible study. There we will dive into the Bible, seeing what the scriptures have to teach us. Please bring your Bible and be ready to learn.

Youth Chat - Wednesdays
Youth Chat is a time for middle and high school students to talk about life, play games, and get some homework done. Join us for Church Dinner at 6pm, then stay after. Students can come and go as they please; some students stay the entire time (6:30 - 7:30 pm), while others come for a brief period. The goal of this meeting is for students to have a place where they can decompress and enjoy the company and fellowship of one another.

Mission Trips and Activities
From snow tubing, to attending theme parks, to mission work in the US, we know how to have fun! Yearly, we have one large mission trip, where students serve in communities within the eastern United States. We serve in ways that help students and adults connect their hands to the heart of Jesus thru serving. Students may have the opportunity to take a trip to Snowcat Ridge, worship nights at local theme parks, and local activities during youth week!

Stay Connected

If you'd like more information or have any questions email our Director of Family Ministries, April Woodard at hsfumcfamily@gmail.com.

Youth News & Fun!

April's Youth group is always up to some fun! Check out what's going on!

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