4-Year Olds are Fast and Furious! by Carol Daugherty

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4-Year Olds are Fast and Furious! by Carol Daugherty


She entered the classroom. This was going to be an interesting day. Some of her little friends were already playing quietly when she arrived. How nice. The few little friends who were in the classroom were playing well together; no loud voices; no arguing or fighting. Will this last? She wondered. Then a few more of her friends entered the classroom…then a few more. No one on the list was absent! This was going to be an interesting day.


After the morning announcements her little friends lined up for breakfast and made the trek to the cafeteria. One little friend had a breakdown before breakfast had even begun. Oh my…this was definitely going to be an interesting day. Classroom time; video time; educational play time…another breakdown. How many breakdowns was her little friend going to have in one day? Another call for assistance. Each time her little friend had a breakdown, assistance was needed…her other little friends need her attention too. Lunch time and playground time came and went. Life in Preschool did not slow down even for nap and quiet time. She realized too late that she had worn the wrong shoes! She needed a good pair of Nikes to race through this day without blisters on her feet. Now the mats and pillows; blankets and sleeping pals were all over the floor…including her little friends. Bodies were everywhere. Every inch of the floor was covered in Mickey Mouse, Spiderman, Jurassic Park, and other character sleeping paraphernalia. Life calmed down for a little while. Then, the bathroom visits began. First one, then another, and another…this was getting out of hand. The video was stopped, and order was restored. Quietly they all laid back down. Her friends were very busy today.


A fire drill, a bit of chaos, some more bathroom visits and then the parents of her little friends came and took them home. Yes, she concluded, this had been an interesting day.


What fun she had had. Her little friends were so unique and special; each one so different from another, and yet all alike. What a great opportunity she had been given. She stepped into the world of these little friends and spent time with future engineers, architects, artists, professors, train conductors, construction workers, computer geniuses, little politicians, and those she had yet to experience. This had been an amazing, awesome, fascinating, interesting day!


You never know when you will meet a new person who will become your new friend; be open to the possibility.


Happy New Year!




God bless you,
